The Engagement for Life Pathway consists of three differentiated class groups to suit learners with a range of complex physical, sensory and cognitive needs. We support students to access the world around them and to make purposeful decisions about their lives. Engagement for Life offers two two-year courses.
All three of our class groups benefit from high staffing ratios, allowing for a highly person-centred approach to learning. Where appropriate, our staff will make this support more discreet, in order to empower our students to be as independent as possible. We use a variety of specialist programmes and strategies to support learning including Makaton, Intensive Interaction, TaSSeLs Tactile Signing, Objects of Reference, sensory diets, sensology, music cues and other sensory interventions.
Our curriculum is designed to offer students a range of meaningful activities and experiences through which they can make progress towards their EHCP outcomes, therefore supporting their transition to life after college
Both courses include sessions focused on communication, PSHEC, ICT (Environmental Control), accessing the community, personal hobbies and interests and the arts. Embedded throughout our curriculum is an emphasis on communication and recognising students as unique individuals. We use a highly sensory approach to support engagement and promote lifelong learning. All students have individualised Speech and Language, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy programmes which are designed by therapists and are delivered daily by the highly trained staff within their classrooms.
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