College Board


  • Killian O’Sullivan (Chair):   Great Oaks College, Gresham Road, Hounslow, TW3 4BX (Appointed 21/11/17, 17/11/20 and 17/10/23)
  • Sharon Lorenzato (Appointed 21/11/17 and 17/11/20; resigned 04/07/23)
  • Shaminder Rayatt (Appointed 21/11/17, 17/11/20 and 17/10/23)
  • Tim Brennan (Appointed 17/11/20 and 17/10/23)
  • Kathryn Sheppard (Appointed 07/02/23, resigned 23/07/24)
  • Robert Guy Alexander (Appointed 04/06/24)



  • Matthew Sartin (Appointed 21/11/17)
  • Anne Clinton (Appointed 21/11/20)
  • Vincent Boylan (Appointed 06/12/22)
  • Annita Cornish (Appointed 21/11/17, resigned 06/12/22)

Trustees and Members


Killian O'Sullivan

Chair of Trustees


Shaminder Rayatt



Matthew Sartin


College Board Meetings


Great Oaks College Board meetings take place at least once per term and we hold an AGM every year in December. The Finance, Audit and Resources Committee meets termly and reports to the main board.

Board Meeting Annual General Meeting
Name Board 4th July 2023 Board 17th October 2023 Board 5th February 2024 Board 5th March 2024 AGM 5th December 2023
Killian O’Sullivan
Shaminder Rayatt N N N
Tim Brennan
Matthew Sartin N
Anne Clinton N
Vincent Boylan
Kathryn Sheppard
Sharon Lorenzato Resigned Resigned Resigned Resigned


Finance, Audit and Resources Committee
Name 27th June 2023 10th October 2023 28th February 2024
Shaminder Rayatt N N
Tim Brennan
Kathryn Sheppard Appointed
Sharon Lorenzato Resigned Resigned


Business and Pecuniary Interests of the Board:
Kilian O’Sullivan None declared
Tim Brennan None declared
Shaminder Rayatt Trustee at Khalsa Academies Trust
Shaminder Rayatt Trustee at Chakardar
Matthew Sartin Headteacher at Springhallow School
Matthew Sartin Management Committee of Ealing Alternative Provision
Matthew Sartin Wife – Speech and Language Therapist (Surrey County Council)
Vincent Boylan None declared
Anne Clinton None declared
Kathryn Sheppard None declared


Business and Pecuniary Interests of the senior employees:
Nickyie Thomas None declared
Rich Murr None declared
Ruth Price Partner – Habilitation input through Linden Lodge School
Laura Davies None declared
Piera Jalan None declared
Iwona Kedziora None declared
Shelina Mitha None declared
Debbie Smilie None declared
Piotr Mozolewski None declared
Maria Locorriere None declared
Daniela Balazova None declared


Join Us

Do you have a passion for supporting young adults to be prepared for adult life? Have you ever considered joining a board of trustees?

We are always keen to welcome new board members with the following skills which are areas of interest:

  • Safeguarding
  • Education (curriculum/assessment/vocational skills)
  • Careers guidance and work experience
  • Local opportunities for young adults with SEND
  • Marketing
  • HR
  • Legal sector
  • Business development
  • Fund raising
  • Social work or supporting young adults to improve their mental health

If you are interested in joining the College Board and would like to support us to continue to develop our practice, please complete the form below:

Support us

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Articles of Association

Articles of Association FINAL

Annual Accounts

Great Oaks College Signed Accounts 2022-2023

Great Oaks College Signed Accounts 2021-2022

Great Oaks Final Signed Accounts 2020-2021